Search Results | wikipedia assisted

Your search for "wikipedia assisted" returned 13 results

Where Are the Women of Wikipedia?

HowStuffWorks looks at the lack of women editors at Wikipedia and how that affects the content created.

How the CPR Doll Developed From a Famous Parisian Death Mask

CPR Annie has been called "the most-kissed face in the world." But the doll's look was improbably inspired by a famous Parisian death mask.

Why Is AAPI Heritage Month Celebrated in May?

AAPI Month commemorates two important dates in Asian American history, but it wouldn't have become a reality without the efforts of one determined woman with some Congressional backing.

Unveiling the Ingenious Invention: The Electric Pen

The Revolutionary Writing Tool That Made Duplication Easy - Electric Pen. Learn about the history, design, and benefits of this iconic pen.

Web3: The Next Phase of the Internet Is Coming

What is Web3 and what does it have to do with blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrency? And is Web3 the same as Web3.0?

Rahab: The Biblical Prostitute in the 'Faith Hall of Fame'

She's the hero of one of the best-known Bible stories and also described as one of Jesus' ancestors, even though she was a Canaanite prostitute. Who was Rahab, really?

10 iPad Apps for Home Organization

These iPad apps for home organization can help simplify your life and declutter your home. See 10 iPad apps for home organization to get started.

What Was So Terrible About Ivan the Terrible?

Ivan the Terrible's sobriquet may have been due to a mistranslation but he sure lived up to it, torturing and killing his many enemies.

John Wilkes Booth Didn't Act Alone: The Conspiracy to Kill Lincoln

Lincoln assassin John Wilkes Booth takes the blame in the history books, but he was part of a larger cast of characters that hoped to decapitate the Union government after the South lost the Civil War.

How Amazon Echo Works

Could Amazon Echo be the voice-controlled computer that will finally walk us into the future? Learn about the Amazon Echo at HowStuffWorks.

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